. */ if (! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); if (! function_exists('p')) { /** * Generates an HTML paragraph * * @param unknown_type $str * @return string */ function p($str, $attr = '') { if (func_num_args() > 0) { $str = func_get_arg(0); } if (func_num_args() > 1) { $attr = func_get_arg(1); } else { $attr = ''; } return "

" . $str . "

"; } } if (! function_exists('e_p')) { function e_p($str, $attr = '') { echo p($str, $attr); } } if (! function_exists('hr')) { /** * Generates one or several HTML horizontal line */ function hr($n = 1) { $res = ""; for($i = 0; $i < $n; $i ++) { $res .= "
"; } return $res; } } if (! function_exists('e_hr')) { function e_hr($n = 1) { echo hr($n); } } if (! function_exists('e_br')) { function e_br($n = 1) { echo br($n); } } /** * Heading * * Generates an HTML heading tag. First param is the data. * Second param is the size of the heading tag. * * @access public * @param * string * @param * integer * @return string */ if (! function_exists('heading')) { function heading($txt = '', $h = '1', $attrs = '') { $CI = & get_instance(); $translation = $CI->lang->line($txt); if ($translation) { $txt = $translation; } return "" . $txt . "\n"; } } if (! function_exists('e_heading')) { function e_heading($data = '', $h = '1', $attrs = '') { echo heading($data, $h, $attrs); } } if (! function_exists('table_from_array')) { /** * Generates a html table from an array of rows * Each rows must be an array of cells * * @return string TODO check for incorrect parameter type */ function table_from_array($table, $attrs = array()) { $class = isset($attrs ['class']) ? $attrs ['class'] : ''; $res = ""; // $res .= '
'; $res .= "\n"; if (array_key_exists('title', $attrs)) { $title = $attrs ['title']; $res .= "\t\n"; } $alignments = (array_key_exists('align', $attrs)) ? $attrs ['align'] : array (); if (array_key_exists('fields', $attrs)) { $res .= "\t"; $res .= ""; $cnt = 0; foreach ( $attrs ['fields'] as $field ) { $align = (array_key_exists($cnt, $alignments)) ? 'align="' . $alignments [$cnt] . '"' : ""; $res .= "\t\t\n"; $cnt ++; } $res .= ""; $res .= "\n"; } $line_cnt = 0; foreach ( $table as $row ) { $line_cnt ++; if ($line_cnt % 2) { $res .= "\t"; } else { $res .= "\t"; } $cnt = 0; foreach ( $row as $cell ) { $align = (array_key_exists($cnt, $alignments)) ? 'align="' . $alignments [$cnt] . '"' : ""; $res .= "\t\t\n"; $cnt ++; } $res .= "\t\n"; } $res .= "
"; $res .= $field; $res .= "
"; $res .= $cell; $res .= "
\n"; return $res; } } if (! function_exists('flat_array')) { /** * Convert a list of hash tables into an array of rows of cells * * The list of hash table is typicall the result of SQL query * array (size=109) * 0 => * array (size=7) * 'count' => string '4' (length=1) * 'year' => string '2013' (length=4) * 'vpdc' => string '1' (length=1) * 'vpmacid' => string 'F-CJRG' (length=6) * 'nom' => string 'Adams Louis' (length=11) * 'minutes' => string '470.00' (length=6) * 'kms' => string '0' (length=1) * 1 => * array (size=7) * 'count' => string '10' (length=2) * 'year' => string '2013' (length=4) * 'vpdc' => string '0' (length=1) * 'vpmacid' => string 'F-CXXX' (length=6) * 'nom' => string 'Autre pilote Extérieur' (length=23) * 'minutes' => string '1470.00' (length=7) * 'kms' => string '0' (length=1) * * @param * hash_list see example * @param * row_id name of the field used as row identifier * @param * col_id name of the filed uased as colomn identifier * @param * value name of the filed to be used as value in the array */ function flat_array($hash_list, $row_id = '', $col_id = '', $values = '', $delete = '') { $col_list = array (); // sequential list of colomns $col_index = array (); // access to colomn index from colomn id $row_list = array (); // same with rows $row_index = array (); $col_nb = 0; // number of colomns $row_nb = 0; // number of rows // Look for colomns and rows foreach ( $hash_list as $elt ) { $col = $elt [$col_id]; $row = $elt [$row_id]; if (! isset($col_index [$col])) { // it is a new col $col_index [$col] = $col_nb ++; $col_list [] = $col; } if (! isset($row_index [$row])) { // It is a new row $row_index [$row] = $row_nb ++; $row_list [] = $row; } } // sort rows and cols // it implies to reset the indexes sort($col_list); $col_nb = 0; foreach ( $col_list as $col ) { $col_index [$col] = $col_nb ++; } sort($row_list); $row_nb = 0; foreach ( $row_list as $row ) { $row_index [$row] = $row_nb ++; } // Generates an empty array $empty_line = array (); $empty_line [] = ''; foreach ( $col_list as $col_title ) { $empty_line [] = 0; } $result = array (); // push the title line $result [] = array_merge(array ( '' ), $col_list); // fill the result with empty lines $n = 1; foreach ( $row_list as $row_title ) { $result [$n] = $empty_line; $result [$n] [0] = $row_title; $n ++; } // fill the result array with values foreach ( $hash_list as $elt ) { $col = $elt [$col_id]; $row = $elt [$row_id]; $val = $elt [$values]; $i = $row_index [$row]; $j = $col_index [$col]; $result [$i + 1] [$j + 1] = $val; } // Totaux $total = 1; $CI = & get_instance(); $total = $CI->lang->line('gvv_total'); if ($total) { $total_col_index = count($col_list) + 1; $total_col = array (); for($j = 1; $j <= count($col_list); $j ++) { $total_col [$j] = 0; } $result [0] [$total_col_index] = "$total:"; $total_total = 0; for($i = 1; $i <= count($row_list); $i ++) { $total_line = 0; for($j = 1; $j <= count($col_list); $j ++) { $total_line += $result [$i] [$j]; $total_col [$j] += $result [$i] [$j]; } $result [$i] [$total_col_index] = $total_line; $total_total += $total_line; } $total_col [] = $total_total; $result [] = array_merge(array ( "$total: " ), $total_col); $col_list [] = $total; $row_list [] = $total; } // format if ($values == 'minutes') { for($i = 1; $i <= count($row_list); $i ++) { for($j = 1; $j <= count($col_list); $j ++) { $result [$i] [$j] = minute_to_time($result [$i] [$j]); if ($result [$i] [$j] == $delete) { $result [$i] [$j] = ''; } } } } return $result; } } if (! function_exists('flatten')) { /** * Flatten an array of hashs * * @param unknown $table * @param unknown $fields */ function flatten($table, $attrs = array()) { $fields = $attrs['fields']; $result = array(); if (isset($attrs['headers'])) { $result[] = $attrs['headers']; } else { $result[] = $attrs['fields']; } foreach ($table as $elt) { $row = array(); foreach ($fields as $field) { if (array_key_exists($field, $elt)) { $row[] = $elt[$field]; } else { $row[] = ""; } } $result[] = $row; } return $result; } } if (! function_exists('curPageURL')) { /** * Retourne l'URL de la page courante */ function curPageURL() { $pageURL = 'http'; if (isset($_SERVER ["HTTPS"])) { if ($_SERVER ["HTTPS"] == "on") { $pageURL .= "s"; } } $pageURL .= "://"; if (isset($_SERVER ["SERVER_NAME"])) { $pageURL = $_SERVER ["SERVER_NAME"]; } if (isset($_SERVER ["SERVER_PORT"]) && $_SERVER ["SERVER_PORT"] != "80") { $pageURL .= ":" . $_SERVER ["SERVER_PORT"]; } if (isset($_SERVER ["REQUEST_URI"])) { $pageURL .= $_SERVER ["REQUEST_URI"]; } return $pageURL; } } if (! function_exists('html_link')) { /** * genere une balise lien */ function html_link($args = array(), $balise = "link") { $res = "<$balise "; foreach ( array ( 'rel', 'type', 'href', 'src', 'title', 'media' ) as $opt ) { if (isset($args [$opt])) { $res .= " $opt=\"$args[$opt]\" "; } } $res .= ">\n"; return $res; } } if (! function_exists('html_script')) { /** * genere une balise script */ function html_script($args = array()) { return html_link($args, "script"); } } if (! function_exists('e_html_script')) { /** * genere une balise script */ function e_html_script($args = array()) { echo html_script($args); } } if (! function_exists('markup_open')) { /** * genere une balise */ function markup_open($type = 'div', $attrs = array()) { $res = "<$type"; foreach ( $attrs as $key => $value ) { $res .= " $key=\"$value\""; } return $res . ">"; } } if (! function_exists('markup_close')) { /** * genere une balise div */ function markup_close($type = 'div') { return "\n"; } } if (! function_exists('markup')) { /** * genere une balise script */ function markup($type = 'div', $content, $attrs = array()) { return markup_open($type, $attrs) . $content . markup_close($type); } } if (! function_exists('e_div_open')) { /** * genere une balise div */ function e_div_open($attrs = array()) { echo markup_open('div', $attrs); } } if (! function_exists('e_div_close')) { /** * genere une balise div */ function e_div_close() { echo markup_close('div'); } } if (! function_exists('e_div')) { /** * genere une balise script */ function e_div($content, $attrs = array()) { echo markup('div', $content, $attrs); } } if (! function_exists('e_input')) { /** * genere une balise script */ function e_input($attrs = array()) { echo markup('input', '', $attrs); } } if (! function_exists('input')) { /** * genere une balise script */ function input($attrs = array()) { return markup('input', '', $attrs); } } // article if (! function_exists('e_article_open')) { /** * genere une balise div */ function e_article_open($attrs = array()) { echo markup_open('article', $attrs); } } if (! function_exists('e_article_close')) { /** * genere une balise div */ function e_article_close() { echo markup_close('article'); } } if (! function_exists('e_article')) { /** * genere une balise script */ function e_article($content, $attrs = array()) { echo markup('article', $content, $attrs); } } // section if (! function_exists('e_section_open')) { /** * genere une balise div */ function e_section_open($attrs = array()) { echo markup_open('section', $attrs); } } if (! function_exists('e_section_close')) { /** * genere une balise div */ function e_section_close() { echo markup_close('section'); } } if (! function_exists('e_section')) { /** * genere une balise script */ function e_section($content, $attrs = array()) { echo markup('section', $content, $attrs); } }