Types and subtypes * * * *


* *


* These fields contain an integer code. A string value is associated to each integer value. * * *

Defaults values

* The system uses the defaults defined in the MySQL database. In somes cases it may * convenient to set the default valus with the result of a php function. * * * *


* * varchar * minsize * * Read only fields * $this->field['volsa']['vaduree']['Attrs'] = array('readonly' => "readonly"); * * Hidden fields * * * Table display * * A table is a subset of a database table which is displayed in a MVC view. The table is made * of fields from the database, meta data are used to determine field formatting and alignement. * The table view can also display action fields which are used * to trigger an action. An action is the name of a method for a controller. Usually the action takes * the element id as parameter. * * When the table function is used to display the result of a select the system must be able to find out abstract * from what table are extracted each column of the select. * * for example: "select machine.id, cost1.value, cost2.value from machine, costs as cost11, costs as cost2 * where machine.cost1 = costs1.id and machine.cost2 = costs2.id * * @author idefix * @package librairies */ abstract class Metadata { protected $db = array(); protected $keys = array(); protected $alias = array(); // Table des alias des champs protected $alias_table = array(); // Table des alias des table protected $selects = array(); protected $selectors = array(); /** * Constructor */ function __construct() { $this->CI = &get_instance(); $this->CI->load->database(); // look for indormation inside the database $sql = 'show tables'; $res = $this->CI->db->query($sql); if (isset($this->tables)) { return; } foreach ($res->result_array() as $row) { foreach ($row as $key => $table) { $this->tables[] = $table; // look for fields for each table $sql = "show full fields from $table"; $res = $this->CI->db->query($sql); foreach ($res->result_array() as $row) { $field = $row['Field']; $this->fields[$table][] = $field; $this->field[$table][$field] = $row; if (isset($row['Key']) && ('PRI' == $row['Key'])) { // echo "key[$table]=$field" . br(); $this->keys[$table] = $field; } } } } } /** * Data query API */ /** * Return the list of table in the database */ function tables_list() { return $this->tables; } /** * Return the list of table in the database * * @param string $table name * @param boolean $no_autogen_key when true does not return auto-generated keys * @return mixed[] */ function fields_list($table, $no_autogen_key = FALSE) { $tmp = $this->fields[$table]; if ($no_autogen_key) { $key = $this->autogen_key(); if ($key) unset($tmp[$key]); } return $tmp; } /** * return the name of the column containing the element id * * @param string $table name * @return string */ function table_key($table) { return isset($this->keys[$table]) ? $this->keys[$table] : 'id'; } /** * Returns the key when autogenerated, FALSE if not * * @param string $table name * @return boolean */ function autogen_key($table) { $key = $this->table_key($table); if ($this->field_attr($table, $key, 'Extra') == 'auto_increment') { return $key; } return FALSE; } /** * return the name of the column containing the image element * * @param string $table name * @return string */ function table_image_elt($table) { return $this->table_key($table); } /** * Return the list of field attributes * * @param string $table name * @param string $field name * @param string $attr attribut name * @return string */ function field_attr($table, $field, $attr = '') { $this->resolve($table, $field); if ($attr == '') { return $this->field[$table][$field]; } else { if (isset($this->field[$table][$field][$attr])) { return $this->field[$table][$field][$attr]; } else { return ''; } } } /** * Fetch a field name * * @param string $table name * @param string $field name * @return string */ function field_name($table, $field) { $this->resolve($table, $field); $key = "gvv_" . $table . "_short_field_" . $field; // echo "$key = ". br(); if ($this->CI->lang->line($key)) { // echo "$key = " . $this->CI->lang->line($key) . br(); return $this->CI->lang->line($key); } // look for the exact definition if (isset($this->field[$table][$field]['Name'])) { $name = $this->field[$table][$field]['Name']; // echo "field_name ($table, $field) = $name" . br(); return $name; } // @deprecated // Ne peux pas être supprimé avant que toutes les définitions d'alias ne soient correctes. // look in the ancestor table $real_table = $this->real_table($table, $field); $real_field = $this->real_field($table, $field); if (isset($this->field[$real_table][$real_field]['Name'])) { $name = $this->field[$real_table][$real_field]['Name']; // echo "field_name ($real_table, $real_field) = $name" . br(); return $name; } // echo "field_name ($real_table, $real_field) = $field" . br(); return $field; } /** * Descripteur de champ (commentaire du champ MySQL) * * @param string $table name * @param string $field name * @return string */ function field_long_name($table, $field) { $this->resolve($table, $field); $key = "gvv_" . $table . "_field_" . $field; // echo "$key" . br(); if ($this->CI->lang->line($key)) { return $this->CI->lang->line($key); } if (isset($this->field[$table][$field]['Comment'])) { return $this->field[$table][$field]['Comment']; } return $this->field_name($table, $field); } /** * subtype * * @param string $table name * @param string $field name * @return string */ function field_subtype($table, $field) { $this->resolve($table, $field); // look for the exact definition if (isset($this->field[$table][$field]['Subtype'])) return $this->field[$table][$field]['Subtype']; // look in the ancestor table $real_table = $this->real_table($table, $field); $real_field = $this->real_field($table, $field); if (isset($this->field[$real_table][$real_field]['Subtype'])) return $this->field[$real_table][$real_field]['Subtype']; return ''; } /** * default in form format (not database) * * @param string $table name * @param string $field name * @return string */ function field_default($table, $field) { $this->resolve($table, $field); if (isset($this->field[$table][$field]['Default'])) { $def = $this->field[$table][$field]['Default']; $type = $this->field_type($table, $field); if (('date' == $type) && ('today' == $def)) { $def = date("d/m/Y"); } elseif (('int' == $type) && ('current_year' == $def)) { // @todo replace. $def = date("Y"); } elseif (('varchar' == $type) && ('current_user' == $def)) { $def = $this->CI->dx_auth->get_username(); } } else { $def = $this->field_attr($table, $field, 'Default'); } // echo "field_default ($table, $field) = $def" . br(); return $def; } /** * Return a hash of the default values for a table * * @param string $table name * @return mixed[] */ function defaults_list($table) { $fields = $this->fields_list($table); $defaults = array(); foreach ($fields as $field) { $defaults[$field] = $this->field_default($table, $field); } return $defaults; } /** * returns the type of a field. * If the size is included between parenthesis, remove the size part. * * @param string $table * name of the table * @param string $field * name of the field */ function field_type($table, $field) { $this->resolve($table, $field); $db_type = $this->field_attr($table, $field, 'Type'); // look in the ancestor table if ('' == $db_type) { $real_table = $this->real_table($table, $field); $real_field = $this->real_field($table, $field); $db_type = $this->field_attr($real_table, $real_field, 'Type'); } // echo "field_type ($table, $field) $real_table, $real_field" . br(); if (preg_match("/(.*)(\((.*)\))/", $db_type, $matches)) { // print_r($matches); $type = $matches[1]; // echo "type($table, $field)=$type" . br(); return $type; } else { // echo "db_type($table, $field)=$db_type" . br(); return $db_type; } } /** * returns the size of a field * * @param string $table * name of the table * @param string $field * name of the field */ function field_size($table, $field) { $this->resolve($table, $field); $db_type = $this->field_attr($table, $field, 'Type'); if (preg_match("/(.*)(\((.*)\))/", $db_type, $matches)) { // print_r($matches); $type = $matches[1]; $size = $matches[3]; return $size; } else { if ('date' == $db_type) return 10; return 0; } } /** * returns the field default alignement * * @param string $table * name of the table * @param string $field * name of the field * @param * boolean short format for PDF */ function field_align($table, $field, $short = 0) { $this->resolve($table, $field); $left = ($short) ? 'L' : 'align="left"'; $center = ($short) ? 'C' : 'align="center"'; $right = ($short) ? 'R' : 'align="right"'; $type = $this->field_type($table, $field); $subtype = $this->field_subtype($table, $field); // echo "field_align ($table, $field) type=$type, subtype=$subtype" . br(); if ($subtype == 'key') return $left; if ($subtype == 'int') return $right; if ($type == 'varchar') return $left; if ($type == 'decimal') return $right; if ($type == 'date') return $right; if ($subtype == 'enumerate') return $left; if ($subtype == 'selector') return $left; if ($subtype == 'currency') return $right; if ($type == 'int') return $right; if ($type == 'tinyint') return $right; return $center; } /** * HTML Generation API */ /** * Generate an HTML table * * @param strin $table name * @param $attrs display * attributes * possible values: * - controller nom du controleur à invoquer pour les actions * - fields liste des champs à afficher * - actions liste de boutton action à ajouter à chaque ligne * - title de la table * - first offset du premier element dans la table (affichage par page) * - count nombre total d'éléments de la sélection * - mode "ro" | "rw" table en lecture seule "ro" ou modifiable "rw" */ function table($table, $attrs = array(), $data = "") { if (isset($data) && $data != "") { $this->db[$table] = $data; } else { if (!array_key_exists($table, $this->db)) throw new Exception('unknown table ' . $table); } // echo "table $table" . br(); $datatable = FALSE; $CI = &get_instance(); $CI->load->library('pagination'); $CI->load->library('ButtonNew'); // Even if the table is empty the first line must be displayed $actions = (isset($attrs['actions'])) ? $attrs['actions'] : array(); $base_controller = isset($attrs['controller']) ? $attrs['controller'] : ''; $controller = (isset($attrs['controller'])) ? controller_url($attrs['controller']) : ''; $count = (isset($attrs['count'])) ? $attrs['count'] : ''; $page = (isset($attrs['page'])) ? $attrs['page'] : 'page'; $uri_segment = (isset($attrs['uri_segment'])) ? $attrs['uri_segment'] : 3; $class = (isset($attrs['class'])) ? "class=\"" . $attrs['class'] . "\"" : "class=\"sql_table datatab\""; $mode = "ro"; if (isset($attrs['mode']) && ($attrs['mode'] == "rw")) { $mode = "rw"; } $per_page = $this->CI->session->userdata('per_page'); $numbered = (isset($attrs['numbered'])) ? $attrs['numbered'] : 0; if (isset($attrs['fields'])) { $fields = $attrs['fields']; } else { if (isset($this->db['default_fields'][$table])) { $fields = $this->db['default_fields'][$table]; } else { $fields = (isset($this->db[$table][0])) ? array_keys($this->db[$table][0]) : array(); } } $param = (isset($attrs['param'])) ? $attrs['param'] : ""; $autoplanchiste = (isset($attrs['autoplanchiste'])) ? $attrs['autoplanchiste'] : ""; $autoplanchiste_id = (isset($attrs['autoplanchiste_id'])) ? $attrs['autoplanchiste_id'] : ""; $res = ""; // pagination if (isset($attrs['count'])) { $config['base_url'] = "$controller/$page"; $config['total_rows'] = $attrs['count']; $config['per_page'] = $per_page; $config['uri_segment'] = $uri_segment; $config['first_link'] = 'Premier'; $config['last_link'] = 'Dernier'; $CI->pagination->initialize($config); $pagination = $CI->pagination->create_links(); } else { $pagination = ''; } // page number if ($count != '') { $first = (isset($attrs['first'])) ? $attrs['first'] + 1 : 1; $last = $first + count($this->db[$table]) - 1; // Selector of number of element per page $pagination = "$first-$last/$count" . nbs(4) . $pagination; } if (!$datatable && $count) { $res .= "
" . "Afficher par page: " . form_dropdown('perpage', array( 25 => 25, 50 => 50, 100 => 100 ), $per_page, "id='per_page' onchange=per_page();") . nbs(4) . $pagination . "
"; } $res .= "\n"; // Table title if (isset($attrs['title'])) { $title = $attrs['title']; $res .= "\t\n"; } // Title row $res .= "\t"; $res .= ""; if ($numbered) { $align = 'align="right"'; $res .= ""; } // Actions title $action_cnt = count($actions); foreach ($actions as $action) { $action_cnt--; if ($action_cnt != 0) { $name = ''; } else { $create = new ButtonNew(array( 'controller' => $base_controller, 'param' => $param )); $name = $create->image(); } if ($mode == "rw") $res .= ""; } // column title foreach ($fields as $field) { $align = $this->field_align($table, $field); $colName = $this->field_name($table, $field); $res .= ""; } $res .= ""; $res .= "\n"; // Value lines $cnt = 1; foreach ($this->db[$table] as $row) { // Columns if ($cnt % 2) { $res .= "\t"; } else { $res .= "\t"; } if ($numbered) { $align = 'align="right"'; $res .= ""; } $cnt++; $elt_id = isset($row[$this->table_key($table)]) ? $row[$this->table_key($table)] : ''; // and the actions if ($mode == "rw") { foreach ($actions as $action) { $url = "$controller/$action"; $elt_image = isset($row['image']) ? $row['image'] : $row[$this->table_key($table)]; $confirm = ($action == 'delete'); if ($autoplanchiste) { if ($row[$autoplanchiste_id] == $autoplanchiste) { $res .= "\t\t\n"; } else { $res .= "\t\t\n"; } } else { $res .= "\t\t\n"; } } } foreach ($fields as $field) { $align = $this->field_align($table, $field); $res .= "\t\t\n"; } $res .= "\t\n"; } if (isset($attrs['footer'])) { $footers = $attrs['footer']; foreach ($footers as $footer) { // column title $col = 0; $res .= "\t\n"; if ($mode == "rw") { foreach ($actions as $action) { $res .= ""; } } foreach ($fields as $field) { $align = $this->field_align($table, $field); $value = isset($footer[$col]) ? $footer[$col] : ''; $res .= ""; $col++; } $res .= "\t\n"; } } $res .= "
$cnt" . $this->action($action, $url, $elt_id, $elt_image, $confirm) . "" . "" . $this->action($action, $url, $elt_id, $elt_image, $confirm) . ""; $value = isset($row[$field]) ? $row[$field] : ''; $res .= $this->array_field($table, $field, $value, $row, $mode, $elt_id); $res .= "
\n"; if ($count != '' && (!$datatable)) { $res .= "
" . $pagination . "
"; } else { $res .= br(2); } // gvv_debug("MetaData.table " . $res); return $res; } /** * Normalise an HTML table according to the data type définition * * This method is used by Ajax routines to format pages. * * @param string $table name * @param $attrs display * attributes * possible values: * - fields liste des champs à afficher * - mode "ro" | "rw" table en lecture seule "ro" ou modifiable "rw" * * @todo : remplacer par une version qui ne travaille qu'avec les paramètres d'entrée. * */ function normalise($table, $array, $attrs = array()) { $result = $array; if (!array_key_exists($table, $this->db)) throw new Exception('unknown table ' . $table); $mode = "ro"; if (isset($attrs['mode']) && ($attrs['mode'] == "rw")) { $mode = "rw"; } if (isset($attrs['fields'])) { $fields = $attrs['fields']; } else { if (isset($this->db['default_fields'][$table])) { $fields = $this->db['default_fields'][$table]; } else { $fields = (isset($this->db[$table][0])) ? array_keys($this->db[$table][0]) : array(); } } // Value lines $cnt = 0; foreach ($this->db[$table] as $row) { $elt_id = isset($row[$this->table_key($table)]) ? $row[$this->table_key($table)] : ''; foreach ($fields as $field) { $value = isset($row[$field]) ? $row[$field] : ''; $result[$cnt][$field] = $this->array_field($table, $field, $value, $row, $mode, $elt_id); } $cnt++; } return $result; } /** * Generate an HTML table with only a header * * @param string $table name * @param mixed[] $attrs display * attributes * possible values: * - controller nom du controleur à invoquer pour les actions * - fields liste des champs à afficher * - actions liste de boutton action à ajouter à chaque ligne * - title de la table * - first offset du premier element dans la table (affichage par page) * - count nombre total d'éléments de la sélection * - mode "ro" | "rw" table en lecture seule "ro" ou modifiable "rw" */ function empty_table($table, $attrs = array()) { if (!array_key_exists($table, $this->db)) throw new Exception('unknown table ' . $table); $CI = &get_instance(); $CI->load->library('ButtonNew'); // Even if the table is empty the first line must be displayed $actions = (isset($attrs['actions'])) ? $attrs['actions'] : array(); $base_controller = isset($attrs['controller']) ? $attrs['controller'] : ''; $controller = (isset($attrs['controller'])) ? controller_url($attrs['controller']) : ''; $class = (isset($attrs['class'])) ? "class=\"" . $attrs['class'] . "\"" : "class=\"sql_table datatab\""; $widths = isset($attrs['width']) ? $attrs['width'] : array(); $mode = "ro"; if (isset($attrs['mode']) && ($attrs['mode'] == "rw")) { $mode = "rw"; } if (isset($attrs['fields'])) { $fields = $attrs['fields']; } else { if (isset($this->db['default_fields'][$table])) { $fields = $this->db['default_fields'][$table]; } else { $fields = (isset($this->db[$table][0])) ? array_keys($this->db[$table][0]) : array(); } } $param = (isset($attrs['param'])) ? $attrs['param'] : ""; $res = ""; $res .= "\n"; // Table title if (isset($attrs['title'])) { $title = $attrs['title']; $res .= "\t\n"; } // Title row $res .= "\t"; $res .= ""; // Actions title $action_cnt = count($actions); foreach ($actions as $action) { $action_cnt--; if ($action_cnt != 0) { $name = ''; } else { $create = new ButtonNew(array( 'controller' => $base_controller, 'param' => $param )); $name = $create->image(); } if ($mode == "rw") $res .= ""; } // column title $cnt = 0; foreach ($fields as $field) { $align = $this->field_align($table, $field); $colName = $this->field_name($table, $field); $width = isset($widths[$cnt]) ? "width=\"" . $widths[$cnt] . '"' : ""; $res .= ""; $cnt++; } $res .= ""; $res .= "\n"; $res .= "
\n"; return $res; } /** * Export the table in comma separated value * * @param string $table name * @param $attrs display * attributes * possible values: * - fields * - title * - offset * * @deprecated * */ function csv($table, $attrs = array()) { if (!array_key_exists($table, $this->db)) throw new Exception('unknown table ' . $table); $class = (isset($attrs['class'])) ? "class=\"" . $attrs['class'] . "\"" : "class=\"sql_table\""; $numbered = (isset($attrs['numbered'])) ? $attrs['numbered'] : 0; if (isset($attrs['fields'])) { $fields = $attrs['fields']; } else { if (isset($this->db['default_fields'][$table])) { $fields = $this->db['default_fields'][$table]; } else { $fields = array_keys(($this->db[$table][0])); } } $header = (isset($attrs['header'])) ? $attrs['header'] . "\n" : ''; $footer = (isset($attrs['header'])) ? $attrs['header'] . "\n" : ''; $res = $header; // Table title if (isset($attrs['title'])) { $title = $attrs['title']; $res .= "$title\n"; } // Title row if ($numbered) { $res .= "N°; "; } // column title foreach ($fields as $field) { $colName = $this->field_name($table, $field); $res .= "$colName; "; } $res .= "\n"; // Value lines $cnt = 1; foreach ($this->db[$table] as $row) { // Columns if ($numbered) { $res .= "$cnt; "; $cnt++; } foreach ($fields as $field) { $value = isset($row[$field]) ? $row[$field] : ''; $res .= $this->array_field($table, $field, $value, $row, "csv"); $res .= "; "; } $res .= "\n"; } $res .= $footer; // echo $res . br() ; return; date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Paris'); $dt = date("Y_m_d"); $filename = "gvv_" . $table . "_$dt.csv"; $res = iconv('UTF-8', 'windows-1252', $res); $CI = &get_instance(); // Load the download helper and send the file to your desktop $CI->load->helper('download'); force_download($filename, $res); } /** * Export the table in comma separated value * * @param string $table name * @param $data the * table to display * @param $attrs display * attributes * possible values: * - title * - offset */ function csv_table($table, $data, $attrs = array()) { $class = (isset($attrs['class'])) ? "class=\"" . $attrs['class'] . "\"" : "class=\"sql_table\""; $numbered = (isset($attrs['numbered'])) ? $attrs['numbered'] : 0; if (isset($attrs['fields'])) { $fields = $attrs['fields']; } else { if (isset($this->db['default_fields'][$table])) { $fields = $this->db['default_fields'][$table]; } else { $fields = array_keys(($data[0])); } } $header = (isset($attrs['header'])) ? $attrs['header'] . "\n" : ''; $footer = (isset($attrs['header'])) ? $attrs['header'] . "\n" : ''; $res = $header; // Table title if (isset($attrs['title'])) { $title = $attrs['title']; $res .= "$title\n"; } // Title row if ($numbered) { $res .= "N°; "; } // column title foreach ($fields as $field) { $colName = $this->field_name($table, $field); $res .= "$colName; "; } $res .= "\n"; // Value lines $cnt = 1; foreach ($data as $row) { // Columns if ($numbered) { $res .= "$cnt; "; $cnt++; } foreach ($fields as $field) { $value = isset($row[$field]) ? $row[$field] : ''; $res .= $this->array_field($table, $field, $value, $row, "csv"); $res .= "; "; } $res .= "\n"; } $res .= $footer; // echo $res . br() ; return; date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Paris'); $dt = date("Y_m_d"); $filename = "gvv_" . $table . "_$dt.csv"; $res = iconv('UTF-8', 'windows-1252', $res); $CI = &get_instance(); // Load the download helper and send the file to your desktop $CI->load->helper('download'); force_download($filename, $res); } /** * Add the table in a pdf documment * * @param string $table name * @param $pdf document * @param $attrs display * attributes * possible values: * - fields * - title * - offset * * @deprecated * */ function pdf($table, $pdf, $attrs = array()) { if (!array_key_exists($table, $this->db)) throw new Exception('unknown table ' . $table); // $class = (isset($attrs['class'])) ? "class=\"" . $attrs['class'] . "\"" : "class=\"sql_table\""; $numbered = (isset($attrs['numbered'])) ? $attrs['numbered'] : 0; if (isset($attrs['fields'])) { $fields = $attrs['fields']; } else { if (isset($this->db['default_fields'][$table])) { $fields = $this->db['default_fields'][$table]; } else { $fields = array_keys(($this->db[$table][0])); } } // Table title if (isset($attrs['title'])) { $title = $attrs['title']; $pdf->title($title); } $tab = array(); $line = array(); $align = array(); // Title row if ($numbered) { $line[] = "N°"; $align[] = 'R'; } // column title foreach ($fields as $field) { $align[] = $this->field_align($table, $field, 1); $colName = $this->field_name($table, $field); $line[] = $colName; } $tab[] = $line; // Value lines $cnt = 1; foreach ($this->db[$table] as $row) { $line = array(); // Columns if ($numbered) { $line[] = $cnt; $cnt++; } foreach ($fields as $field) { $value = isset($row[$field]) ? $row[$field] : ''; $line[] = $this->array_field($table, $field, $value, $row, "csv"); } $tab[] = $line; } $pdf->table($attrs['width'], 8, $align, $tab); } /** * Add the table in a pdf documment * * @param string $table name * @param $pdf document * @param $attrs display * attributes * possible values: * - fields * - title * - offset * */ function pdf_table($table, $data, $pdf, $attrs = array()) { // $class = (isset($attrs['class'])) ? "class=\"" . $attrs['class'] . "\"" : "class=\"sql_table\""; $numbered = (isset($attrs['numbered'])) ? $attrs['numbered'] : 0; if (isset($attrs['fields'])) { $fields = $attrs['fields']; } else { if (isset($this->db['default_fields'][$table])) { $fields = $this->db['default_fields'][$table]; } else { $fields = array_keys(($data[0])); } } // Table title if (isset($attrs['title'])) { $title = $attrs['title']; $pdf->title($title); } $tab = array(); $line = array(); $align = array(); // Title row if ($numbered) { $line[] = "N°"; $align[] = 'R'; } // column title foreach ($fields as $field) { $align[] = $this->field_align($table, $field, 1); $colName = $this->field_name($table, $field); $line[] = $colName; } $tab[] = $line; // Value lines $cnt = 1; foreach ($data as $row) { $line = array(); // Columns if ($numbered) { $line[] = $cnt; $cnt++; } foreach ($fields as $field) { $value = isset($row[$field]) ? $row[$field] : ''; $line[] = $this->array_field($table, $field, $value, $row, "csv"); } $tab[] = $line; } $pdf->table($attrs['width'], 8, $align, $tab); } /** * Affichage d'un champ de table dans une vue table * * @param string $table name * @param $field column * name * @param $value default * value * @param $mode ro=read * only, rw=input mode * @param $id of * the element */ protected function array_field($table, $field, $value, &$row, $mode = "ro", $id = '') { $this->resolve($table, $field); // gvv_debug("array_field ($table, $field, $value"); $type = $this->field_type($table, $field); $subtype = $this->field_subtype($table, $field); gvv_debug("array_field ($table, $field), type=$type, subtype=$subtype, value=$value"); if ($subtype == 'boolean') { if ($mode == 'csv') return $value; return ($value) ? img(theme() . "/images/tick.png") : ''; } elseif ('currency' == $subtype) { if ($value === '') return ''; if ($mode == 'csv') { return number_format((float) $value, 2, ",", ""); } return euro($value); // return sprintf("%6.2f", $value); } elseif ('minute' == $subtype) { return minute_to_time($value); } elseif ('time' == $subtype) { return decimal_to_time($value); } elseif ('enumerate' == $subtype) { $values = $this->field[$table][$field]['Enumerate']; return (isset($values[$value])) ? $values[$value] : $value; } elseif ('selector' == $subtype) { return $value; } elseif ('checkbox' == $subtype) { if ($mode == 'csv') { return $value; } elseif ($mode == 'rw') { $check = form_checkbox(array( 'name' => "check_$id", 'value' => 1, 'checked' => ($value == 1), 'onchange' => "line_checked($id, $value, 0, 0)" )); return $check; } else { return ($value) ? img(theme() . "/images/tick.png") : ''; } } elseif ('key' == $subtype) { if ($value == '') return ''; $action = $this->field[$table][$field]['Action']; if (isset($this->field[$table][$field]['Image'])) { $image = $this->field[$table][$field]['Image']; $label = $row[$image]; } else { $label = $value; } if ($mode == 'csv') return $label; $url = controller_url($action . "/$value"); return anchor($url, $label); } elseif ('email' == $subtype) { return $value; // return auto_link($value); } elseif ($subtype == 'image' || $subtype == 'upload_image') { $filename = "assets/uploads/$value"; $img = (file_exists($filename)) ? img($filename) : ''; return $img; } if ($type == 'date') { return date_db2ht($value); } elseif ($type == 'datetime') { $list = explode(" ", $value); return date_db2ht($list[0]) . " " . $list[1]; } elseif ($type == 'decimal') { if ($mode == 'csv') return number_format((float) $value, 2, ",", ""); } return $value; } /** * Compute the HTML image of an action * * @param $action * @param $url * @param * $row_id * @param * confirm */ function action($action = '', $url = '', $elt_id = '', $elt_image = '', $confirm = 0) { $label = $this->action_name($action); $attrs = array(); if ($confirm) { $txt = $this->CI->lang->line("gvv_button_delete_confirm") . " $elt_image?"; $attrs = "onclick=\"return confirm('$txt')\" "; } if ($action == 'edit') { $image = theme() . "/images/pencil.png"; $image_properties = array( 'src' => $image, 'class' => 'icon', 'title' => $label ); $label = img($image_properties); } elseif ($action == 'delete') { $image = theme() . "/images/delete.png"; $image_properties = array( 'src' => $image, 'class' => 'icon', 'title' => $label ); $label = img($image_properties); } elseif ($action == 'pdf') { $image = theme() . "/images/page_white_acrobat.png"; $image_properties = array( 'src' => $image, 'class' => 'icon', 'title' => $label ); $label = img($image_properties); } elseif ($action == 'csv') { $image = theme() . "/images/page-excel-icon.png"; $image_properties = array( 'src' => $image, 'class' => 'icon', 'title' => $label ); $label = img($image_properties); } elseif ($action == 'clone_elt') { $image = theme() . "/images/copy.png"; $image_properties = array( 'src' => $image, 'class' => 'icon', 'title' => $label ); $label = img($image_properties); } return anchor($url . "/$elt_id", $label, $attrs); } /** * Name of an action for title row * * @param $action */ function action_name($action = '') { if ($action == 'edit') return $this->CI->lang->line("gvv_button_update"); if ($action == 'delete') return $this->CI->lang->line("gvv_button_delete"); if ($action == 'clone_elt') return $this->CI->lang->line("gvv_button_clone"); return ucwords($action); } /** * Other functions */ /** * Store the result of a select for a view. * * @param $view name * @param $selection result * of a select in an array format * @param $query to * analyze to find the data types (default = the latest query on the database) */ function store_table($view, $selection, $query = '') { $log = 0; $detail = 1; // store the data $this->db[$view] = $selection; // dump de la selection if ($log && $detail) foreach ($selection as $row) { foreach ($row as $key => $value) { echo "$key => $value" . br(); } echo br(); } // analyse la requête if ($query == '') $query = $this->CI->db->last_query(); gvv_debug("sql: " . $query); if (isset($this->selects[$view])) return; $this->selects[$view] = $query; if ($log) echo "\$this->selects['$view'] = \"$query\";" . br(); // Analyse de la partie from de la requête $aliases = array(); $all_tables = array(); if (preg_match("/FROM \((.*)\)/", $query, $matches)) { $from = $matches[1]; if ($log) echo "// FROM=$from" . br(); foreach (preg_split("/,/", $from) as $col) { if (preg_match("/\`(.*)\`\sas\s(.*)/", $col, $matches)) { // Il y a un alias $real_table = $matches[1]; $table_name = $matches[2]; $aliases[$table_name] = $real_table; if ($log) echo "//" . nbs(4) . "\$aliases['$table_name'] = \"$real_table\";" . br(); } elseif (preg_match("/\`(.*)\`/", $col, $matches)) { // Un seul champ entre quotes $real_table = $matches[1]; } else { // Un seul champ sans quotes $real_table = $col; } $all_tables[$real_table] = 1; } } if ($log) echo "// tables: " . join(", ", array_keys($all_tables)) . br(2); if (count($all_tables) == 1) { $this->real_table[$view][''] = $real_table; // return; // regular table } // analyse de la partie select de la requête // Cela consiste à trouver les real_table et real_field if (preg_match("/SELECT\s*(.*)/", $query, $matches)) { $select = $matches[1]; if ($log) echo "SELECT=$select" . br(); foreach (preg_split("/,\s+/", $select) as $col) { // if ($log) echo "col=$col" .br(); $real_table = "unknown"; $real_field = "unknown"; if (preg_match("/(.*)\sas\s(.*)/", $col, $matches)) { // forme `tarifs1`.`prix` as prix_forfait $target_table = $matches[1]; $field_name = $matches[2]; if (preg_match("/\`(.*)\`\.\`(.*)\`/", $target_table, $matches)) { $alias = $matches[1]; // echo "alias=$alias" . br(); $real_table = isset($aliases[$alias]) ? $aliases[$alias] : $alias; $real_field = $matches[2]; } } else { // Il n'y a qu'un nom de champ, il faut trouver la table ... $field_name = $col; if (preg_match("/\`(.*)\`\.\`(.*)\`/", $col, $matches)) { // format `table\`.`champ` $real_table = $matches[1]; $field_name = $matches[2]; } elseif (preg_match("/\`(.*)\`/", $col, $matches)) { // format = `champ` $field_name = $matches[1]; foreach ($all_tables as $tried_table => $value) { if (isset($this->field[$tried_table][$field_name])) { $real_table = $tried_table; break; } } } else { // format = champ $field_name = $col; foreach ($all_tables as $tried_table => $value) { if (isset($this->field[$tried_table][$field_name])) { $real_table = $tried_table; break; } } } $real_field = $field_name; } $this->real_table[$view][$field_name] = $real_table; $this->real_field[$view][$field_name] = $real_field; if ($log) echo nbs(4) . "\$this->real_table[`$view`][`$field_name`] = `$real_table`;" . br(); if ($log) echo nbs(4) . "\$this->real_field[`$view`][`$field_name`] = `$real_field`;" . br(); } } } /** * Debug function */ function dump() { echo "// Metadata dump" . br(); $tables_list = $this->tables_list(); echo "// Tables = " . join(", ", $tables_list) . br(); foreach ($tables_list as $table) { echo "//" . br() . "// table $table" . br(); $fields_list = $this->fields_list($table); foreach ($fields_list as $field) { echo "// " . nbs(8) . $field . " -> "; $row = $this->field_attr($table, $field); echo nbs(8) . "type=" . $this->field_type($table, $field); echo nbs(8) . "size=" . $this->field_size($table, $field); echo nbs(8) . "name=" . $this->field_name($table, $field); echo nbs(8) . "default=" . $this->field_default($table, $field); echo nbs(8) . "subtype=" . $this->field_subtype($table, $field); // echo nbs(8) . "collatione=" . $this->field_attr($table, $field, 'Collation'); echo nbs(8) . "key=" . $this->field_attr($table, $field, 'Key'); echo nbs(8) . "extra=" . $this->field_attr($table, $field, 'Extra'); // echo nbs(8) . "privileges=" . $this->field_attr($table, $field, 'Privileges'); echo br(); foreach ($row as $key => $value) { echo nbs(8) . "\$this->field['$table']['$field']['$key'] = '$value';" . br(); } } } } /** * Returns the real table associated with a view field * * @param $view * @param $field */ function real_table($view, $field) { if (isset($this->real_table[$view][$field])) return $this->real_table[$view][$field]; return $view; } /** * Returns the real field associated with a view field * * @param $view * @param $field */ function real_field($view, $field) { // echo "real_field ($view, $field)" . br(); if (isset($this->real_field[$view][$field])) { return $this->real_field[$view][$field]; } // echo "real_field ($view, $field)=$field" . br(); return $field; } /** * Remplace les noms de vue et champs par leurs valeurs réelles * * @param $view * @param $field */ function resolve(&$view, &$field) { $previous_view = $view; $previous_field = $field; // d'abord les champs if (isset($this->alias[$view][$field])) { if (isset($this->alias[$view][$field][0])) $view = $this->alias[$view][$field][0]; if (isset($this->alias[$previous_view][$field][1])) $field = $this->alias[$previous_view][$field][1]; } elseif (isset($this->alias_table[$view])) { $view = $this->alias_table[$view]; } } /** * Returns the validation rules for the field * * @param string $table name * @param string $field name */ function rules($table, $field, $action) { // 'trim|required|min_length[3]|max_length[52]|encode_php_tags|xss_clean'); $rules = ""; $type = $this->field_type($table, $field); $subtype = $this->field_subtype($table, $field); $size = $this->field_size($table, $field); $may_be_null = $this->field_attr($table, $field, 'Null'); $required = ""; if ($this->autogen_key($table, $field) != $field) { if ($may_be_null == "NO") { $required = "required|"; } } if ('minute' == $subtype || 'centieme' == $subtype) { $rules = "trim|required"; } elseif ('email' == $subtype) { $rules = "trim|" . $required . "valid_email"; } elseif ('varchar' == $type) { $rules = "trim|" . $required . "max_length[$size]|encode_php_tags|xss_clean"; } elseif ('int' == $type) { $rules = "trim|" . $required . "integer"; } elseif ('time' == $subtype) { $rules = "trim|" . $required; } elseif ('decimal' == $type) { $rules = "trim|" . $required . "numeric"; } elseif ('date' == $type) { if ($subtype == 'activity_date') { $rules = "trim|callback_valid_activity_date"; } else { $rules = "trim|callback_valid_date"; } } if (($action == CREATION) && ($this->table_key($table) == $field)) { $rules .= "|callback_check_uniq"; } // echo "rules ($table, $field, $action) $may_be_null" // . ", type=$type, subtype=$subtype: " . $rules . br(); return $rules; } /** * Set the validation rules * * @param * table to add to * @param $fields * list of fields for which to set rules * @param $rules * hash of additional rules * @param * action CREATION | MODIFICATION */ function set_rules($table, $fields = array(), $ext_rules = array(), $action) { foreach ($fields as $field) { $rules = $this->rules($table, $field, $action); if (isset($ext_rules[$field])) { $rules .= "|" . $ext_rules[$field]; } $name = $this->field_long_name($table, $field); // echo "rule $field, $name, $rules" . br(); $this->CI->form_validation->set_rules($field, $name, $rules); } } /** * Génère un champ de saisie * * @param string $table name * @param string $field name * @param $value * précédante * @param $mode * "ro" */ function input_field($table, $field, $value = '', $mode = "ro", $attrs = array()) { $radio_limit = 4; $text_limit = 128; $subtype = $this->field_subtype($table, $field); $type = $this->field_type($table, $field); $size = $this->field_size($table, $field); $default = $this->field_default($table, $field); $def_attrs = $this->field_attr($table, $field, 'Attrs'); if ($def_attrs) { if (is_array($def_attrs)) { $attrs = array_merge($attrs, $def_attrs); } } gvv_debug("input_field($table, $field, $value, $mode) type=$type, subtype=$subtype"); if ($subtype == 'boolean' || 'checkbox' == $subtype) { return form_checkbox(array( 'name' => $field, 'id' => $field, 'value' => 1, 'checked' => (0 != $value) )); } elseif ($subtype == 'enumerate') { if (isset($this->field[$table][$field]['Enumerate'])) { $values = $this->field[$table][$field]['Enumerate']; if (count($values) > $radio_limit) { $js = "id=\"$field\""; return form_dropdown($field, $values, $value, $js); } else { return enumerate_radio_fields($values, $field, $value, $mode, $attrs); } } else { return "unknown value: " . $value; } } elseif ($subtype == 'selector') { $to_select = $this->field[$table][$field]['Selector']; $selector = $this->selector($to_select); // return dropdown_field($field, $value, $selector, ""); $attrsv = "id=\"$field\""; if ($def_attrs) { foreach ($def_attrs as $k => $v) { $attrsv .= " $k = \"$v\""; } } // if (isset($this->field[$table][$field]['Alias'])) { // $field = $this->field[$table][$field]['Alias']; // $attrsv="id=\"$field\""; // } return dropdown_field($field, $value, $selector, $attrsv); } elseif ($subtype == 'image') { $filename = "assets/uploads/$value"; if (file_exists($filename)) { return img($filename); } else { return "file $filename not found"; } } elseif ($subtype == 'upload_image') { $filename = "assets/uploads/$value"; $img = (file_exists($filename)) ? img(array( 'src' => $filename, 'alt' => 'Photo' )) . br() : ''; $img .= form_hidden($field, $value); $attrs = array_merge($attrs, array( 'type' => 'file', 'name' => "userfile", 'size' => 32 )); $input = form_input($attrs, null); $upload = form_input(array( 'type' => 'submit', 'name' => "button_$field", 'value' => $this->CI->lang->line('gvv_button_upload') )); return $img . $input . $upload; } elseif ($subtype == 'minute') { // echo "value=$value" . br(); $sv = set_value($field, $value); $value = minute_to_time($sv); // echo "field=$field, value=$value, sv=$sv" . br(); exit; $attrs = array_merge($attrs, array( 'type' => 'text', 'name' => $field, 'value' => $value, 'size' => (int) $size )); $input = form_input($attrs); // echo "value=$value, " . $input; exit; return $input; } elseif ($subtype == 'time') { // it is decimal to translate to time // echo "value=$value" . br(); $sv = set_value($field, $value); $value = decimal_to_time($sv); // echo "field=$field, value=$value, sv=$sv" . br(); $attrs = array_merge($attrs, array( 'type' => 'time', 'name' => $field, 'value' => $value, 'size' => (int) $size )); $input = form_input($attrs); // echo "value=$value, " . $input; exit; return $input; } elseif ($subtype == 'centieme') { // echo "value=$value" . br(); $sv = set_value($field, $value); $value = $sv; // minute_to_time($sv); // echo "field=$field, value=$value, sv=$sv" . br(); exit; $attrs = array_merge($attrs, array( 'type' => 'text', 'name' => $field, 'value' => $value, 'size' => (int) $size )); $input = form_input($attrs); // echo "value=$value, " . $input; exit; return $input; } elseif ($subtype == 'loader') { $attrs = array_merge($attrs, array( 'type' => 'file', 'name' => "userfile", 'size' => 64 )); $input = form_input($attrs, null); $upload = form_input(array( 'type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'button', 'value' => 'Upload' )); return $input . $upload; } if ($type == 'date') { $value = date_db2ht($value); $attrs = array_merge($attrs, array( 'type' => 'text', 'name' => $field, 'id' => $field, 'value' => set_value($field, $value), 'size' => 10, 'class' => 'datepicker', 'title' => 'JJ/MM/AAAA' )); return form_input($attrs); } elseif ('datetime' == $type) { $value = date_db2ht($value); $attrs = array_merge($attrs, array( 'type' => 'text', 'name' => $field, 'id' => $field, 'value' => set_value($field, $value), 'size' => 16 )); return form_input($attrs, null, "readonly"); } elseif ('varchar' == $type) { $attrs = array_merge($attrs, array( 'type' => 'text', 'name' => $field, 'id' => $field, 'value' => set_value($field, $value), 'size' => $size )); if ($size > $text_limit) { // big text area if (isset($this->field[$table][$field]['Title'])) $attrs['title'] = $this->field[$table][$field]['Title']; $input = form_textarea($attrs); } else { // small varchar if (isset($this->field[$table][$field]['Title'])) $attrs['title'] = $this->field[$table][$field]['Title']; $input = form_input($attrs); if ('email' == $subtype) { $image = theme() . "/images/email.png"; $input .= nbs(2) . mailto($value, img($image)); } } return $input; } elseif ('decimal' == $type) { $type = ($subtype == 'time') ? "time" : "text"; $attrs = array_merge($attrs, array( 'type' => $type, 'name' => $field, 'value' => set_value($field, $value), 'size' => (int) $size )); $input = form_input($attrs); return $input; } elseif (('int' == $type) || ('tinyint' == $type)) { $attrs = array_merge($attrs, array( 'type' => 'text', 'name' => $field, 'id' => $field, 'value' => set_value($field, $value), 'size' => $size )); $input = form_input($attrs); return $input; } echo "input_field ($table, $field, $value) unknown type=$type, size=$size"; return ''; } /** * Transforme un champ en valeur en base * * @param string $table name * @param string $field name * @param string $value précédante * @return string value */ function post2database($table, $field, $value = '') { $type = $this->field_type($table, $field); $subtype = $this->field_subtype($table, $field); if ('date' == $type) { return date_ht2db($value); } elseif ("time" == $subtype) { return str_replace(":", ".", $value); } return $value; } /** * Basic form * * @param string $table name * @param mixed[] $fields hash of field names with initial values * @return mixed[] */ function form($table, $fields = array()) { $res = ""; $res .= "\n"; foreach ($fields as $field => $init) { $label = $this->field_long_name($table, $field) . ":"; $field_value = $this->input_field($table, $field, $init); $res .= ""; $res .= "\t"; $res .= ""; $res .= "\n"; } $res .= "
" . "$label$field_value "; $res .= form_error($field) . "
\n"; return $res; } /** * Génère un formulaire à coller dans la vue. * Utilisable pour générer * rapidement une vue qu'on voudra modifier * * @param string $table name * @param mixed[] $fields hash of field names with initial values * @return string */ function form_generator($table, $fields = array()) { $res = "\n"; $res .= '$table = array();' . "\n"; $res .= '$row = 0;' . "\n"; foreach ($fields as $field => $init) { $res .= '$table [$row][] = $this->gvvmetadata->field_long_name("' . $table . '", "' . $field . '") . ":";' . "\n"; $res .= '$table [$row][] = $this->gvvmetadata->input_field("' . $table . '", "' . $field . '", $' . $field . ');' . "\n"; $res .= '$row++;' . "\n"; $res .= '' . "\n"; } $res .= 'display_form_table($table);' . "\n"; gvv_debug("Form: " . $res); return $res; } /** * Store selector values * * @param $selector * @param $values */ function set_selector($selector, $values) { $this->selectors[$selector] = $values; } /** * Return selector */ function selector($selector) { return $this->selectors[$selector]; } /** * Look for "upload_image" subtypes in a table an try to upload them * when their associated button has a "Télécharger" value. * * returns an array with uploaded filename as first element and * error message as second one (empty when no error) * * @param string $table name * usage: * if ($newfile = $this->smsmetadata->upload("subscribers")) { * $logo = $this->input->post('logo'); * if (file_exists("uploads/$logo")) * unlink("uploads/$logo"); * // update the file name * $data = array('logo' => $newfile); * $this->subscribers_model->update($stb, $data); * redirect("subscriber/edit/$stb"); * } * } */ public function upload($table) { $list = $this->fields_list($table); foreach ($list as $field) { if (isset($this->field[$table][$field]['Subtype']) && $this->field[$table][$field]['Subtype'] == "upload_image") { $button = $this->CI->input->post("button_$field"); $userfile = $this->CI->input->post('userfile'); // pb userfile = false // C'est un bug mais userfile est seulement utilisé pour les traces // CF $_FILES if ($button == $this->CI->lang->line('gvv_button_upload')) { // echo "uploading $userfile to ..." . br(); $config['upload_path'] = './assets/uploads/'; $config['allowed_types'] = 'zip|png|jpeg|jpg'; $config['max_size'] = '256'; $config['encrypt_name'] = TRUE; $this->CI->load->library('upload', $config); if ($this->CI->upload->do_upload()) { $uploaded = $this->CI->upload->data(); return array( $uploaded['file_name'], "" ); } else { return array( "", "Chargement de $userfile\n" . "vers " . $config['upload_path'] . "\n" . "extension supportées " . $config['allowed_types'] . "\n" . "taile max " . $config['max_size'] . "\n" . $this->CI->upload->display_errors() ); } } } } return array("", ""); } }