coverage = new PHP_CodeCoverage; $this->coverage->start(''); } /** * Tears down the fixture, for example, closes a network connection. * This method is called after a test is executed. * * @access protected */ protected function tearDown() { $this->coverage->stop(); $writer = new PHP_CodeCoverage_Report_Clover; $writer->process($this->coverage, 'clover.xml'); $writer = new PHP_CodeCoverage_Report_HTML; $writer->process($this->coverage, 'code-coverage-report'); } /** * @todo Implement testMyMethod(). */ public function testMyMethod() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->markTestIncomplete('This test has not been implemented yet.'); } /** * @todo Implement testMyMethod(). */ public function test2() { // Remove the following lines when you implement this test. $this->assertEquals(1, 1, "1 == 1"); if (FALSE) { $this->assertEquals(1, 0, "1 == 0"); $this->assertEquals(1, 0, "1 == 0"); } } } // Call CoverageTest::main() if this source file is executed directly. if (PHPUnit_MAIN_METHOD == 'CoverageTest::main') { CoverageTest :: main(); } ?>