getRootWebsite() . 'conf/path.ini.php', true); list($sPrefix, $foo) = explode('_', $sClass_); if (in_array($sPrefix, array('model', 'business', 'interface'))) { $sFilename = $oTools->getRootWebsite() . 'public/' . $tIni['path'][$sPrefix] . '/' . $sClass_ . '.php'; if (file_exists($sFilename)) { require_once $sFilename; return true; } elseif ($sPrefix == 'interface') { eval('interface ' . $sClass_ . ' {}'); } } return false; } spl_autoload_register('module_builderFormAutoload'); class module_builderForm { private $_sPath = null; private $_tParam = null; private $_oXml = null; private $_iMaxStep = 0; private $_tNavPath = null; private $_iStep = 0; private $_iNextStep = 0; private $_oEngine = null; private $_getSelectModelGetSelect = null; public function run() { //pre check if ($this->check() === false) { return $this->build(); } //pre process $tReturn = $this->_oEngine->preProcess($this->getParam('step'), $this->getListParams()); if (isset($tReturn['tParam'])) { $this->loadParams($tReturn['tParam']); } if ($tReturn['status'] === false) { return $this->show($this->getPage()); } if ($this->getParam('finish')) { $tReturn = $this->getFinish($this->_tSource); } if (isset($tReturn['getPage'])) { $tReturn['data'] = $this->getPage(); } if ($tReturn['status'] === false or isset($tReturn['data'])) { return $this->show($tReturn['data']); } elseif ($tReturn['status'] === true) { $this->nextStep(); return $this->build(); } } public function loadSource($tSource_) { $this->_tSource = $tSource_; } public function loadEngine($oEngine_) { $this->_oEngine = $oEngine_; } public function load($sPath_) { $this->_sPath = $sPath_; $this->_oXml = simplexml_load_file('module/' . $this->_sPath . '/view/form.xml'); } public function getObjectSource($sSource_) { return module_builder::getTools()->getSource('module/' . $this->_sPath, _root::getConfigVar('path.generation') . _root::getParam('id'), $sSource_); } public function getParam($sName_, $default_ = null) { $sName_ = (string) $sName_; if (isset($this->_tParam[$sName_])) { return $this->_tParam[$sName_]; } else { return $default_; } } public function paramExist($sName_) { return array_key_exists($sName_, $this->_tParam); } public function getListParams() { return $this->_tParam; } public function loadParams($tParam_) { unset($tParam_['id']); unset($tParam_['action']); unset($tParam_[':nav']); $this->_tParam = $tParam_; $this->_iStep = $this->getParam('step', 1); $this->_iNextStep = $this->getParam('nextStep', 1); } public function nextStep() { $this->_iStep = $this->getParam('nextStep', 1); } public function getApplicationPath() { return _root::getConfigVar('path.generation') . _root::getParam('id'); } public function getSelectPlugin() { $sPath = $this->getApplicationPath() . '/plugin/'; $tFile = scandir($sPath); $tIndexFile = array(); if ($tFile) { foreach ($tFile as $sFile) { if(is_dir($sPath.$sFile)){ $tFile2 = scandir($sPath.'/'.$sFile); if ($tFile2) { foreach ($tFile2 as $sFile2) { if (substr($sFile2, -4) != '.php' or substr($sFile2,0,7)!='plugin_') { continue; } $tIndexFile[$sFile2] = $sFile2; } } } if (substr($sFile, -4) != '.php' or substr($sFile,0,7)!='plugin_') { continue; } $tIndexFile[$sFile] = $sFile; } } return $tIndexFile; } public function getSelectModuleParent() { $sPath = $this->getApplicationPath() . '/module/'; $tFile = scandir($sPath); $tIndexFile = array(); if ($tFile) { foreach ($tFile as $sFile) { if (substr($sFile, 0, 1) == '.') { continue; } $tIndexFile[$sFile] = $sFile; } } return $tIndexFile; } public function getSelectModuleChild($sParentModule) { $sPath = $this->getApplicationPath() . '/module/' . $sParentModule; $tFile = scandir($sPath); $tIndexFile = array(); if ($tFile) { foreach ($tFile as $sFile) { if (substr($sFile, 0, 1) == '.') { continue; } if (false === is_dir($sPath . '/' . $sFile)) { continue; } $tIndexFile[$sFile] = $sFile; } } return $tIndexFile; } public function getSelectModelGetSelect() { if ($this->_getSelectModelGetSelect) { return $this->_getSelectModelGetSelect; } $tIndex = array(); $tModelFilename = scandir($this->getApplicationPath() . '/model/'); foreach ($tModelFilename as $sFilename) { if (substr($sFilename, -4) != '.php') continue; include_once($this->getApplicationPath() . '/model/' . $sFilename); $sClass=substr($sFilename,0, strpos($sFilename,'.')); $oClass = new $sClass; $tMethodList = get_class_methods($oClass); foreach ($tMethodList as $sMethod) { if ($sMethod != 'getSelect') continue; $tIndex['select.' . $sClass] = ' ' . $sClass . '::getSelect()'; } } $this->_getSelectModelGetSelect = $tIndex; return $tIndex; } public function getSelectActionList($sModule_) { $tModule = explode('_', $sModule_); $sParentModulePath = $this->getApplicationPath() . '/' . $tModule[0] . '/' . $tModule[1] . '/main.php'; require_once $sParentModulePath; $sModulePath = $this->getApplicationPath() . '/' . implode('/', $tModule) . '/main.php'; require_once $sModulePath; $oClass = new $sModule_(); $tMethod = get_class_methods($oClass); $tIndex = array(); foreach ($tMethod as $sMethod) { if (substr($sMethod, 0, 1) != '_' or substr($sMethod, 0, 2) == '__') { continue; } $tIndex[$sMethod] = $sMethod; } return $tIndex; } public function getSelectModel() { $sPath = $this->getApplicationPath() . '/model/'; $tFile = scandir($sPath); $tIndexFile = array(); if ($tFile) { foreach ($tFile as $sFile) { if (substr($sFile, 0, 1) == '.') { continue; } $tIndexFile[$sFile] = $sFile; } } return $tIndexFile; } public function getSelectProfil(){ $tIni=parse_ini_file($this->getApplicationPath() . '/conf/connexion.ini.php',true); $tIniVal=array_values($tIni); $tProfil=array(); foreach($tIniVal[0] as $sKey => $sValue){ list($sProfil,$foo)=explode('.',$sKey); $tProfil[ $sProfil ] =$sProfil; } return $tProfil; } public function getSelectTable($sProfil){ $oTools = new module_builderTools; $oTools->rootAddConf('conf/connexion.ini.php'); $tTables=$oTools->getListTablesFromConfig( $sProfil ); $tIndex=array(); foreach($tTables as $sTable){ $tIndex[$sTable]=$sTable; } return $tIndex; } public function getSelectFieldModel($sModel) { $oTools = new module_builderTools(); $oTools->rootAddConf('conf/connexion.ini.php'); $tColumn = $oTools->getListColumnFromClass( substr($sModel,0,-4)); $tIndexFile = array(); if ($tColumn) { foreach ($tColumn as $sColumn) { $tIndexFile[$sColumn] = $sColumn; } } return $tIndexFile; } public function getSelectFieldByProfilAndTable($sProfil,$sTable){ $oTools = new module_builderTools; $oTools->rootAddConf('conf/connexion.ini.php'); $tColumn=$oTools->getListColumnFromConfigAndTable( $sProfil,$sTable ); $tIndex=array(); foreach($tColumn as $sColumn){ $tIndex[$sColumn]=$sColumn; } return $tIndex; } public function getFormSelect($sName_, $tOption_) { $sHtml = null; $sHtml .= ''; return $sHtml; } public function getFinish($tSource) { $tParam = $this->getListParams(); $tSourceCreated = array(); $tConcatVar = array(); foreach ($tSource as $uSource) { if (is_array($uSource)) { $tDetailSource = $uSource; $sField = $tDetailSource['field']; $sTag = $tDetailSource['tag']; foreach ($tParam[$sField] as $sValue) { $tParam2 = $tParam; $tParam2[$sTag] = $sValue; $oSourceMain = $this->processSourceFile($tDetailSource['file'], $tParam2); $bStatus = $oSourceMain->save(); $tSourceCreated[] = array($oSourceMain->getFilenameCreated(), $bStatus); } } else { $tParam2 = $tParam; $oSourceMain = $this->processSourceFile($uSource, $tParam2); $bStatus = $oSourceMain->save(); $tSourceCreated[] = array($oSourceMain->getFilenameCreated(), $bStatus); } } $sText = $this->getPage(); $sData = $this->getFinishData($tSourceCreated, $sText); return array('status' => true, 'data' => $sData); } //---algo private function algo_setVariable($oSourceMain_,$oObject_,$tParam_,$tVar_,$tConcatVar_){ if (isset($oObject_['source']) and (string) $oObject_['source'] == 'params' and isset($oObject_['useKey'])) { $tVar_[(string) $oObject_['name']] = $tParam_[(string) $oObject_['param']][$this->getVarInTab($tVar_, (string) $oObject_['useKey'])]; }else if (isset($oObject_['source']) and (string) $oObject_['source'] == 'variables' and isset($oObject_['useKey'])) { $tVar_[(string) $oObject_['name']] = $tVar_[(string) $oObject_['param']][$this->getVarInTab($tVar_, (string) $oObject_['useKey'])]; } else if ((string) $oObject_['source'] == 'snippet') { $sSnippet = $this->getVarInTab($tVar_, (string) $oObject_['param']); $tReplace = array(); if (isset($oObject_->pattern)) { foreach ($oObject_->pattern as $oPattern) { $tReplace[(string) $oPattern['tag']] = $this->getVarInTab($tVar_, (string) $oPattern['value']); } } $tVar_[(string) $oObject_['name']] = $oSourceMain_->getSnippet($sSnippet, $tReplace); } return array($tParam_,$tVar_,$tConcatVar_); } public function algo_splitVariable($oSourceMain_,$oObject_,$tParam_,$tVar_,$tConcatVar_){ /* */ $sSourceTmp = $this->getVarInTab($tVar_, (string) $oObject_['source']); $tVarTmp = explode((string) $oObject_['pattern'], $sSourceTmp); if (false == is_array($tVarTmp)) { $tVarTmp = array($tVarTmp); } if(isset($oObject_['arrayVar'])){ $tVar_[(string) $oObject_['arrayVar'] ] = $tVarTmp; } if($oObject_->var){ $i = 0; foreach ($oObject_->var as $oVar) { $tVar_[(string) $oVar['name']] = null; if (isset($tVarTmp[$i])) { $tVar_[(string) $oVar['name']] = $tVarTmp[$i]; } $i++; } } return array($tParam_,$tVar_,$tConcatVar_); } private function algo_concatParam($oSourceMain_,$oObject_,$tParam_,$tVar_,$tConcatVar_){ if (!isset($tParam_[(string) $oObject_['name']])) { $tParam_[(string) $oObject_['name']] = null; } $tConcatVar_[] = (string) $oObject_['name']; $tParam_[(string) $oObject_['name']] .= $this->getVarInTab($tVar_, (string) $oObject_['value']); return array($tParam_,$tVar_,$tConcatVar_); } private function algo_concatVar($oSourceMain_,$oObject_,$tParam_,$tVar_,$tConcatVar_){ if (!isset($tVar_[(string) $oObject_['name']])) { $tVar_[(string) $oObject_['name']] = null; } $tVar_[(string) $oObject_['name']] .= $this->getVarInTab($tVar_, (string) $oObject_['value']); return array($tParam_,$tVar_,$tConcatVar_); } private function algo_resetVar($oSourceMain_,$oObject_,$tParam_,$tVar_,$tConcatVar_){ $tVar_[(string) $oObject_['name']]=null; return array($tParam_,$tVar_,$tConcatVar_); } private function algo_resetParam($oSourceMain_,$oObject_,$tParam_,$tVar_,$tConcatVar_){ $tParam_[(string) $oObject_['name']]=null; return array($tParam_,$tVar_,$tConcatVar_); } public function algo_process($sType_,$oSourceMain_,$oObject_,$tParam_,$tVar_,$tConcatVar_){ if($sType_=='setVariable'){ return $this->algo_setVariable($oSourceMain_,$oObject_,$tParam_,$tVar_,$tConcatVar_); }else if($sType_=='splitVariable'){ return $this->algo_splitVariable($oSourceMain_,$oObject_,$tParam_,$tVar_,$tConcatVar_); }else if($sType_=='concatParam'){ return $this->algo_concatParam($oSourceMain_,$oObject_,$tParam_,$tVar_,$tConcatVar_); }else if($sType_=='resetParam'){ return $this->algo_resetParam($oSourceMain_,$oObject_,$tParam_,$tVar_,$tConcatVar_); }else if($sType_=='concatVar'){ return $this->algo_concatVar($oSourceMain_,$oObject_,$tParam_,$tVar_,$tConcatVar_); }else if($sType_=='resetVar'){ return $this->algo_resetVar($oSourceMain_,$oObject_,$tParam_,$tVar_,$tConcatVar_); } } //---end algo private function processSourceFile($sSource_, $tParam_) { $tParam = $tParam_; $sSource = $sSource_; $sXmlFile = 'module/' . $this->_sPath . '/src/' . $sSource . '.xml'; $tSourceCreated = array(); $tConcatVar = array(); $tVar = array(); if ($tConcatVar) { foreach ($tConcatVar as $sConcatVar) { unset($tParam[$sConcatVar]); } } $tConcatVar = array(); /* SOURCE */$oSourceMain = $this->getObjectSource($sSource); if (file_exists($sXmlFile)) { $oXmlFile = simplexml_load_file($sXmlFile); if (isset($oXmlFile->formules)) { foreach ($oXmlFile->formules->formu as $oFormu) { if ((string) $oFormu['type'] == 'loopWithKey') { if ((string) $oFormu['source'] == 'params') { foreach ($tParam[(string) $oFormu['param']] as $keyParam => $sParam) { if (isset($oFormu['keyField'])) { $tVar[(string) $oFormu['keyField']] = $keyParam; } if (isset($oFormu->action)) { foreach ($oFormu->action as $oAction) { if( in_array((string) $oAction['type'], array('setVariable','splitVariable','concatParam','resetParam','concatVar','resetVar')) ){ list($tParam,$tVar,$tConcatVar)=$this->algo_process((string) $oAction['type'],$oSourceMain,$oAction,$tParam,$tVar,$tConcatVar); }else if ((string) $oAction['type'] == 'if') { if(isset($oAction['variable']) and isset($oAction['equal'])){ if($tVar[ (string)$oAction['variable'] ]==(string)$oAction['equal'] ){ foreach($oAction->saction as $oSAction){ if( in_array((string) $oSAction['type'], array('setVariable','splitVariable','concatParam','resetParam','concatVar','resetVar')) ){ list($tParam,$tVar,$tConcatVar)=$this->algo_process((string) $oSAction['type'],$oSourceMain,$oSAction,$tParam,$tVar,$tConcatVar); } } } } }else if ((string) $oAction['type'] == 'loopWithKey') { $tSourceParam= $tVar[(string) $oAction['source']]; foreach($tSourceParam as $keyParamAction => $keyParamAction){ if (isset($oFormu['keyField'])) { $tVar[(string) $oAction['keyField']] = $keyParamAction; } foreach($oAction->saction as $oSAction){ if( in_array((string) $oSAction['type'], array('setVariable','splitVariable','concatParam','resetParam','concatVar','resetVar')) ){ list($tParam,$tVar,$tConcatVar)=$this->algo_process((string) $oSAction['type'],$oSourceMain,$oSAction,$tParam,$tVar,$tConcatVar); } } } } } } } } } } } } /* SOURCE */$oSourceMain = $this->getObjectSource($sSource); foreach ($tParam as $sTag => $sValue) { if (is_array($sValue)) { continue; } $sValue = $this->replaceTab($tParam, $sValue); /* SOURCE */$oSourceMain->setPattern('VAR' . $sTag . 'ENDVAR', $sValue); } /* SOURCE */ return $oSourceMain; } public function replaceTab($tParam_, $sValue_) { foreach ($tParam_ as $sTag => $sValue) { if (is_array($sValue)) { continue; } $sValue_ = str_replace('VAR' . $sTag . 'ENDVAR', $sValue, $sValue_); } return $sValue_; } public function getFinishData($tSource_, $sText_) { $sHtml = $this->tr('moduleCreeAvecSucess'); $sHtml .= '

' . $this->tr('resumeGeneration') . '

'; $sHtml .= ''; $sHtml .= $sText_; return $sHtml; } public function check() { foreach ($this->_oXml as $oStep) { if ((int) $oStep['id'] === (int) $this->_iStep or (int) $oStep['id'] === ((int) $this->_iStep + 1)) { foreach ($oStep->form->row as $row) { $sName = (string) $row['name']; $sRequired = (string) $row['required']; if ($this->paramExist($sName) and $sRequired === 'true' and $this->getParam($sName) == '') { return false; } } } } return true; } public function getPage() { $iStep = $this->_iStep; $tLang = plugin_i18n::getList(); foreach ($this->_oXml as $oStep) { if ((int) $oStep['id'] === (int) $iStep) { $sHtml = (string) $oStep->page->html; //traductions foreach ($tLang as $sTag => $sVal) { $sHtml = str_replace('TR' . $sTag . 'ENDTR', $sVal, $sHtml); } if (preg_match('/TR([a-zA-Z]*)ENDTR/', $sHtml)) { preg_match_all('/(TR[a-zA-Z]*ENDTR)/', $sHtml, $tLangReplace); throw new Exception('Erreur Builder: il manque des traductions pour le step :' . $this->_iStep . ' la liste:' . implode(',', $tLangReplace[1])); } if (isset($oStep->page->codes)) { foreach ($oStep->page->codes->children() as $oCode) { $sHtml = str_replace('#' . (string) $oCode['id'] . '#', '
' . highlight_string((string) $oCode, 1) . '
', $sHtml); } } return $sHtml; } } } public function show($data_) { $sForm = null; $tPrevPost = array(); $oData = new stdClass(); $oData->step = $this->_iStep; $oData->nextStep = $this->_iStep + 1; $oForm = new plugin_form($oData); foreach ($this->_oXml as $oStep) { $this->_iMaxStep = $oStep['id']; if ((int) $oStep['id'] <= $this->_iStep) { $this->_tNavPath[] = $this->tr($oStep['label']); } } foreach ($this->_tParam as $sTag => $sReplace) { if (is_array($sReplace)) { continue; } $data_ = str_replace('VAR' . $sTag . 'ENDVAR', $sReplace, $data_); } if (preg_match_all('/(VAR[a-zA-Z]*ENDVAR)/', $data_, $tPatternNeeded)) { throw new Exception('Erreur Builder, sur page step ' . $this->_iStep . ', il y a des pattern qui n\'ont pas été remplacé: ' . implode(',', $tPatternNeeded[1])); } if (preg_match_all('/LINK([a-zA-Z0-9\/\.]*)ENDLINK/', $data_, $tPatternLink)) { foreach ($tPatternLink[1] as $sTag) { $tLinkOption = array('project' => _root::getParam('id'), 'file' => $sTag); $sReplace = '' . $sTag . ''; $data_ = str_replace('LINK' . $sTag . 'ENDLINK', $sReplace, $data_); } } $sForm = $data_; $sHiddenFormBack = ''; $sHiddenFormBack .= ''; $sHiddenForm = ''; $sHiddenForm .= ''; if ($this->_tParam) { foreach ($this->_tParam as $sParam => $sValue) { if (in_array($sParam, array('step', 'nextStep', 'finish'))) { continue; } if (is_array($sValue)) { continue; } $sHiddenFormBack .= ''; $sHiddenForm .= ''; } } $oView = new _view('builderForm::index'); $oView->tNavPath = $this->_tNavPath; $oView->sHiddenFormBack = $sHiddenFormBack; $oView->sHiddenForm = $sHiddenForm; $oView->sForm = $sForm; $oView->iMaxStep = $this->_iMaxStep; $oView->iStep = $this->_iStep; return $oView; } public function getVarInTab($tVar, $sVar) { if (substr($sVar, 0, 1) == '$'){ if(array_key_exists(substr($sVar, 1),$tVar)) { return $tVar[substr($sVar, 1)]; }else{ throw new exception('var "'.$sVar.'" not find in tab'); } } return $sVar; } public function build() { $tLang = plugin_i18n::getList(); $sForm = null; $tPrevPost = array(); $oData = new stdClass(); $oData->step = $this->_iStep; $oData->nextStep = $this->_iStep + 1; $oForm = new plugin_form($oData); foreach ($this->_oXml as $oStep) { $this->_iMaxStep = $oStep['id']; if ((int) $oStep['id'] < (int) $this->_iStep) { foreach ($oStep->form->row as $row) { $tPrevPost[] = $row['name']; } } if ((int) $oStep['id'] === (int) $this->_iStep) { foreach ($oStep->form->row as $row) { if (isset($row['type']) and (string) $row['type'] == 'html') { $sHtml=(string)$row->html; if (isset($row->codes)) { foreach ($row->codes->children() as $oCode) { $sHtml = str_replace('#' . (string) $oCode['id'] . '#', '
' . highlight_string((string) $oCode, 1) . '
', $sHtml); } } foreach ($tLang as $sTag => $sVal) { $sHtml = str_replace('TR' . $sTag . 'ENDTR', $sVal, $sHtml); } $sForm.=$sHtml; }else if (isset($row['type']) and (string) $row['type'] == 'loop') { $tVar = array(); if (isset($row['source']) and in_array( (string) $row['source'] , array( 'modelFieldList','params') ) ) { if($row['source'] == 'modelFieldList' ){ $sParam = (string) $row['param']; if (substr($sParam, 0, 1) === '$') { $sParam = $this->getParam(substr($sParam, 1)); } $tIndex = $this->getSelectFieldModel($sParam); }else if($row['source'] == 'params' ){ $sParam = (string) $row['param']; if (substr($sParam, 0, 1) === '$') { $tParam = $this->getParam(substr($sParam, 1)); } $tIndex = $tParam; } $sForm .= ''; $sForm .= ''; foreach ($row->col as $oCol) { $sForm .= ''; } $sForm .= ''; $i = -1; foreach ($tIndex as $sIndex_key => $sIndex_value) { ++$i; $tVar[(string) $row['keyVar']] = $i; $tVar[(string) $row['valueVar']] = $sIndex_value; $sForm .= ''; foreach ($row->col as $oCol) { $sName = (string) $oCol['name']; $sForm .= ''; } $sForm .= ''; } $sForm .= '
' . (string) $oCol->label . '
'; if ($oCol->input['type'] == 'input') { $sValue = $this->getVarInTab($tVar, (string) $oCol->input['value']); $sForm .= ''; } elseif ($oCol->input['type'] == 'textarea') { $sValue = $this->getVarInTab($tVar, (string) $oCol->input['value']); $sForm .= ''; } elseif ($oCol->input['type'] == 'select') { $sForm .= ''; } $sForm .= '
'; } } else { $sName = (string) $row['name']; $sLabel = (string) $row->label; $sForm .= '
'; $sForm .= '
' . $this->tr($sLabel) . '
'; $sForm .= '
'; if ((string) $row->input['type'] === 'selectAutomatic') { if ((string) $row->input['source'] === 'moduleParentList') { $tIndex = $this->getSelectModuleParent(); $sForm .= $this->getFormSelect($sName, $tIndex); } elseif ((string) $row->input['source'] === 'moduleChildList') { $sParam = (string) $row->input['param']; if (substr($sParam, 0, 1) === '$') { $sParam = $this->getParam(substr($sParam, 1)); } $tIndex = $this->getSelectModuleChild($sParam); $sForm .= $this->getFormSelect($sName, $tIndex); } elseif ((string) $row->input['source'] === 'moduleActionList') { $sParam = (string) $row->input['param']; if (substr($sParam, 0, 1) === '$') { $sParam = $this->getParam(substr($sParam, 1)); } $tIndex = $this->getSelectActionList($sParam); $sForm .= $this->getFormSelect($sName, $tIndex); } elseif ((string) $row->input['source'] === 'modelList') { $tIndex = $this->getSelectModel(); $sForm .= $this->getFormSelect($sName, $tIndex); } elseif ((string) $row->input['source'] === 'profilList') { $tIndex = $this->getSelectProfil(); $sForm .= $this->getFormSelect($sName, $tIndex); } elseif ((string) $row->input['source'] === 'tableList') { $sParam = (string) $row->input['param']; if (substr($sParam, 0, 1) === '$') { $sParam = $this->getParam(substr($sParam, 1)); } $tIndex = $this->getSelectTable($sParam); $sForm .= $this->getFormSelect($sName, $tIndex); } elseif ((string) $row->input['source'] === 'modelFieldList') { $sParam = (string) $row->input['param']; if (substr($sParam, 0, 1) === '$') { $sParam = $this->getParam(substr($sParam, 1)); } $tIndex = $this->getSelectFieldModel($sParam); $sForm .= $this->getFormSelect($sName, $tIndex); } elseif ((string) $row->input['source'] === 'tableFieldList') { $sParamProfil = (string) $row->input['param']; if (substr($sParamProfil, 0, 1) === '$') { $sParamProfil = $this->getParam(substr($sParamProfil, 1)); } $sParamTable = (string) $row->input['param2']; if (substr($sParamTable, 0, 1) === '$') { $sParamTable = $this->getParam(substr($sParamTable, 1)); } $tIndex = $this->getSelectFieldByProfilAndTable($sParamProfil,$sParamTable); $sForm .= $this->getFormSelect($sName, $tIndex); } elseif ((string) $row->input['source'] === 'pluginList') { $tIndex = $this->getSelectPlugin(); $sForm .= $this->getFormSelect($sName, $tIndex); } } elseif ((string) $row->input['type'] === 'input') { $sValue = (string) $row->input['value']; if (substr($sValue, 0, 1) === '$') { $sValue = $this->getParam(substr($sValue, 1)); } $sForm .= ''; } elseif ((string) $row->input['type'] === 'textarea') { $sValue = (string) $row->input['value']; if (substr($sValue, 0, 1) === '$') { $sValue = $this->getParam(substr($sValue, 1)); } $sForm .= ''; } elseif ((string) $row->input['type'] === 'multiInput') { $sValue = (string) $row->input['value']; if (substr($sValue, 0, 1) === '$') { $sValue = $this->getParam(substr($sValue, 1)); } $sForm .= '

'; $sForm .= '
'; $sForm .= ''; } elseif ((string) $row->input['type'] === 'read') { $sParam = (string) $row->input['value']; if (substr($sParam, 0, 1) === '$') { $sParam = $this->getParam(substr($sParam, 1)); } $sForm .= $sParam; } if ($this->paramExist($sName) and $this->getParam($sName) == '') { $sForm .= '


'; } $sForm .= '
'; $sForm .= '
'; $sForm .= '
'; } } } if ((int) $oStep['id'] <= $this->_iStep) { $this->_tNavPath[] = $this->tr($oStep['label']); } } if ($oData->nextStep > $this->_iMaxStep) { $oData->nextStep = $this->_iMaxStep; } $sHiddenFormBack = ''; $sHiddenFormBack .= ''; $sHiddenForm = ''; $sHiddenForm .= ''; if ($this->_tParam) { foreach ($this->_tParam as $sParam => $sValue) { if (in_array($sParam, array('step', 'nextStep'))) { continue; } if (false === is_array($sValue)) { $sHiddenFormBack .= ''; $sHiddenForm .= ''; } } } $oView = new _view('builderForm::index'); $oView->tNavPath = $this->_tNavPath; $oView->sHiddenForm = $sHiddenForm; $oView->sHiddenFormBack = $sHiddenFormBack; $oView->sForm = $sForm; $oView->iMaxStep = $this->_iMaxStep; $oView->iStep = $this->_iStep; return $oView; } public function tr($sTag_) { return tr((string) $sTag_); } }